3.14. A head of the block of cylindersRemoval of a head of the block of cylinders spend on the cold engine.
The burnt through or defective lining of a head of the block of cylinders is defined to following signs:
– Decrease in capacity of the engine;
– Decrease in level of a cooling liquid – leaves an exhaust pipe white steam;
– Decrease in level of engine oil;
– Presence in engine oil of a cooling liquid: oil gets grey colour and foams. Thus oil level raises;
– Engine oil presence in a cooling liquid;
– Intensive allocation of vials from a cooling liquid;
– Compression reduction in two next cylinders of the engine.
At installation of a head of the block it is necessary to use new bolts of fastening.
All clips and collars which at removal will be damaged or cut, at installation of a head of the block it is necessary to replace with the new.
At installation of a new head with the established camshafts of a surface of contact between cams of a camshaft and pushers of valves it is necessary to grease with engine oil.
Plastic caps for protection of open valves cannot be removed before installation of a head of the block.
At replacement of a head of the block in cooling system it is necessary to fill in a fresh cooling liquid.
Before removal of a head of the block of cylinders be convinced that all hoses, pipelines and electric sockets are disconnected from it.
The left head of the block of cylinders
Establish the piston of the first cylinder in ВМТ.
Be convinced that the engine cold. Otherwise allow to it to cool down.
Switch off ignition and disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Merge cooling liquid.
Remove the left reception exhaust pipe.
Remove a gear belt from pulleys.
Remove a back casing of a gear belt.
Turn away a bolt of fastening of an arm of a pipe of the amplifier of a steering.
Mark high-voltage wires in figures, remove them from spark plugs of 4-6 cylinders and take aside.
Loosen the a collar, remove a hose from a pipe of system of cooling and turn out a bolt of fastening of a pipe.
Turn out bolts of fastening of a flange of a pipe of system of cooling to a back part of a head of the block of cylinders, supporting a pipe.
Disconnect from a head of the block of cylinders all electric sockets and take them aside.
Fig. 3.1–82. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of the left cover of a head of the block of cylinders
Turn out bolts and uncover heads of the block of cylinders (fig. 3.1–82 see).
Remove маслоотражатель.
Fig. 3.1–84. Sequence of a tightening of bolts of fastening of the left and right heads of the block of cylinders
In sequence, return to a tightening, gradually loosen the, and then turn out completely bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders (fig. 3.1–84).
Remove a head of the block of cylinders and establish it on the soft basis.
Preparation of the left head for installation
Privalochnye surfaces of a head and the block of cylinders should be absolutely pure. For their clearing use a firm plastic or wooden scraper. At clearing be careful, as the aluminium alloy is very easy for damaging. Be convinced that the deposit has not got to channels of system of greasing and cooling. It is especially important for greasing system as the deposit can block oil giving to engine details. If necessary clean channels.
Check up привалочные surfaces of a head and the block of cylinders: on them there should not be notches, deep scratches and other damages. Small defects can be eliminated machining. At detail major defects are subject to replacement.
Using a metal ruler and probe, check up planeness привалочных surfaces.
If the deviation from planeness exceeds 0,1 mm, it is necessary перешлифовать a head. Height of a head of the block of cylinders
Fig. 3.1–85. A place of measurement of height of a head of the block of cylinders
And (fig. 3.1–85) after machining should make for the six-cylinder engine not less than 132,75 mm.
Clear apertures under bolts in the block. Вворачивание a bolt in the aperture filled with oil can break off the block because of hydraulic pressure.
Fig. 3.1–86. An arrangement заглушки in a forward end face of a head of the block of cylinders
The head of the block of the cylinders, delivered in spare parts, can be used as with left, and on the right side. Thus заглушка in a head end face should settle down from the forward party of a head (fig. 3.1–86). At installation заглушки put on its external surface hermetic AMW 188 001 02. Establish заглушку заподлицо with an end face of a head of the block of cylinders.
Installation is spent to sequences, return to removal, taking into account the following.
Replace bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders.
At installation of a head of the block of cylinders it is necessary to replace on new self-locking nuts and bolts which were tightened доворачиванием on a certain corner, and also sealing rings and linings.
The new lining of a head of the block of cylinders is necessary for taking from packing directly ahead of installation.
Establish a lining on directing pins, thus an inscription “oben” should be directed to a head.
If works on клапанном the mechanism were spent, turn manually a cranked shaft on two complete revolutions to be assured that pistons have not hit about valves.
Fig. 3.1–52. An arrangement of the big apertures of fixing plates on pulleys of camshafts
Before installation of a head of the block of cylinders will expose the piston of the first cylinder and a camshaft in ВМТ in a compression step. Thus the big apertures of fixing plates on pulleys of camshafts should be directed to each other (fig. 3.1–52 see).
Fig. 3.1–53. An arrangement of the adjusting screw 3242 for fixing of a cranked shaft
Fix a cranked shaft in this position, having unscrewed from the block of cylinders the gauge of the moment of ignition and instead of it having screwed in the adjusting screw 3242 (fig. 3.1–53 see).
Insert bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders and tighten them by hand.
In the sequence shown in drawing 3.1–84, in two stages tighten bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders:
1st – to tighten the moment 60 Нм;
2nd – to tighten on a corner 180 .
Further it is not required additional pulling up of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders.
Establish a gear belt and adjust its tension.
Establish полиwedge a belt.
Establish a reception exhaust pipe and check up, whether details of system of release are correctly established.
Fill in cooling liquid.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Include a radio receiver and enter into it a code.
Lift glasses electric glass lifts upwards against the stop. Then press all switches стеклоподъемника once again, at least for 1 second, in position of closing for activation of the block of management glass lifts.
Establish time for hours.
The right head of the block of cylinders
Establish the piston of the first cylinder in ВМТ in a compression step.
Be convinced that the engine cold. Otherwise allow to it to cool down.
Switch off ignition and remove a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Merge from system of cooling of the engine cooling liquid.
Remove the right reception exhaust pipe.
Remove a gear belt from pulleys.
Remove a back casing of a gear belt.
Turn away a bolt of fastening of an arm of a pipe of the amplifier of a steering.
Mark high-voltage wires in figures, remove them from spark plugs 1–3 cylinders and move aside.
Loosen the a collar, remove a hose from a pipe of system of cooling and turn away a bolt of fastening of a pipe to the left head of the block of cylinders.
Turn away bolts of fastening of a flange of a pipe of system of cooling to a back part of a head of the block of cylinders, supporting a pipe.
Fig. 3.1–87. An arrangement of a bolt of fastening of a directing pipe of the index (probeа) engine oil level
Turn away a bolt of fastening of a directing pipe of the index (probeа) engine oil level on a head of the block of the cylinder and take a pipe upwards (fig. 3.1–87).
Disconnect from a head of the block of cylinders all electric sockets and move them aside.
Fig. 3.1–83. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of the right cover of a head of the block of cylinders
Turn out bolts and uncover heads of the block of cylinders (fig. 3.1–83 see).
Remove маслоотражатель.
In sequence, return to a tightening, gradually loosen the, then turn out completely bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders (fig. 3.1–84 see).
Remove a head of the block of cylinders and establish it on the soft basis.
Preparation of a head for installation
Preparation of the left head for installation see.
Installation is spent to sequences, return to removal, taking into account the following.
Replace bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders.
At engine installation it is necessary to replace on new self-locking nuts and bolts which were tightened доворачиванием on a certain corner, and also sealing rings and linings.
The new lining of a head of the block of cylinders is necessary for taking from packing directly ahead of installation.
Establish a lining on directing pins, thus an inscription “oben” should be directed to a head.
If works on клапанном the mechanism were spent, turn manually a cranked shaft of the engine on two complete revolutions to be assured that pistons have not hit about valves.
Before installation of a head of the block of cylinders establish the piston of the first cylinder and a camshaft in ВМТ in a compression step. Thus the big apertures of fixing plates on pulleys of camshafts should be directed to each other (fig. 3.1–52 see).
Fix a cranked shaft in this position, having turned out from the block of cylinders the gauge of the moment of ignition and instead of it having screwed the adjusting screw 3242 (fig. 3.1–53 see).
Insert bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders and tighten them by hand.
In the sequence shown in drawing 3.1–84, tighten bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders in two stages:
1st – to tighten the moment 60 Нм;
2nd – to tighten on a corner 180 .
Further it is not required additional pulling up of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders.
At installation of a directing pipe for the index (probeа) oil level establish a sealing ring.
Establish a gear belt and adjust its tension.
Establish полиwedge a belt.
Establish a final collector.
Fill in in cooling system cooling liquid.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Lift glasses electric glass lifts upwards against the stop. Then press all switches стеклоподъемника once again, at least for 1 second, in position of closing for activation of the block of management glass lifts.
Establish time for hours.
Fig. 3.1–88. Details of the left head of the block of cylinders of the six-cylinder engine: 1 – a sealing ring; 2 – a camshaft; 3 – a cover of the bearing №1; 4 – a nut, 20 Нм; 5 – a cover of the bearing №2; 6 – a cover of the bearing №3; 7 – a cover of the bearing №4; 8 – a hydraulic pusher; 9 – crackers; 10 – the top plate of a spring of the valve; 11 – клапанная a spring; 12 – маслоотражательный a cap; 13 – the directing plug of the valve; 14 – a sealing ring; 15 – a head of the block of cylinders; 16 – the valve