Repair and service Audi A8 in body D2 with 1994 for 1999 of release.
1. Car operation
2. Maintenance service
3. Petrol engines of 2,8 l
4. Petrol engines of 3,7 and 4,2 l
5. Diesel engines of 2,5 l
6. Diesel engines of 3,3 l
7. Systems of ignition and injection of fuel of petrol engines
8. System of release of the fulfilled gases of cars with petrol engines
9. The power supply system of diesel engines
10. System of prestarting heating of diesel engines
11. System of release of the fulfilled gases of cars with diesel engines
12. Greasing system
13. Cooling system
14. Coupling
15. A transmission
16. Shaft of a drive of forward wheels
17. Features of a design of transmission of all-wheel drive cars
18. A suspension bracket
18.1. A forward suspension bracket
18.2. An amortizatornaja rack
18.3. Dismantling and assemblage absorber racks
18.4. A rotary fist
18.5. The bottom forward frame
18.6. The forward stabilizer of cross-section stability
18.7. A back suspension bracket
18.8. The back shock-absorber
18.9. Shock-absorber check
18.10. The cross-section lever of a back suspension bracket
18.11. A back bottom frame
19. Wheels and tyres
20. A steering
21. Brake system
22. A body
23. Heating and air-conditioning system
24. An electric equipment
25. Electric schemes


18.3. Dismantling and assemblage absorber racks


Fig. 12–5. Elements absorber racks: 1 – a nut with a fillet, 50 Нм; 2-raspornaja the plug; 3 – the top support absorber racks; 4 – a washer; 5 – the top support of a spring; 6 – a cylindrical spring; 7 – the buffer; 8 – a protective cover; 9 – a protective casing; 10 – the bottom support of a spring; 11 – the bottom plate of a spring; 12 – the shock-absorber

Fix амортизаторную a rack (fig. 12–5) a forward suspension bracket in the adaptation fixed in a vice, and by means of special adaptation V.A.G 1752/6 compress a spring so that it has departed from the top part of a rack. At use of the special adaptation for compression of springs spring coils it is necessary to grasp and compress reliably a spring from opposite sides.

The prevention
The spring has very big effort of compression, therefore use only very reliable tool. At all do not connect a spring a wire.

Fig. 12–6. Unscrewing of the central nut of fastening of a rod of the shock-absorber

Having fixed a key a rod of the shock-absorber from проворачивания, by means of another накидного a key or a special key 3353 unscrew the central nut of fastening of a rod of the shock-absorber (fig. 12–6).
Remove from a shock-absorber rod распорную the plug, the top support absorber racks, a washer and the top support of a spring.
Remove a spring together with the adaptation for spring compression.

Fig. 12–7. An arrangement of a protective casing (1), support of a spring (2) and the bottom plate of a spring (3) on absorber to a rack

Remove a protective casing 1 (fig. 12–7) and the bottom support of a spring 2. Using a plastic hammer, bring down upwards the bottom plate of a spring 3.

At installation it is necessary to use on one axis of the car of a spring with identical technical characteristics (with identical marks on colour).
Check up the shock-absorber on absence подтекания liquids. Check up on all length a shock-absorber rod on absence of dot corrosion. Check up the shock-absorber case on absence of mechanical damages. Establish the shock-absorber in vertical position and check up its work, moving a rod at full capacity, and also upwards and downwards for the length of 50-100 mm. In all cases the shock-absorber rod should move smoothly, with notable resistance. If the shock-absorber rod moves jerky or there are mechanical damages, it is necessary to replace the shock-absorber.
Fix the shock-absorber in a vice with soft sponges.

Fig. 12–8. Correct position of an aperture at installation of the bottom plate of a spring on the shock-absorber: 1 – the bottom plate of a spring; 2 – the shock-absorber; And – an axis of a plug of the bottom fastening of the shock-absorber; In – clips

Establish the bottom plate of a spring on the shock-absorber so that the aperture in a spring plate was perpendicular to an aperture in a plug of the bottom fastening of the shock-absorber, thus clips should settle down from outside apertures (fig. 12–8). The deviation of the centre of an aperture in the bottom plate of a spring from a vertical should be no more 2 .
Establish the bottom support of a spring and a protective casing.

Fig. 12–9. A correct arrangement of the bottom coil of a spring in a plate

Establish a cylindrical spring so that its bottom end has correctly settled down in the bottom plate of a spring (fig. 12–9).
Establish the top plate of a spring so that an axis passing through fixing carving racks, axes of the bottom fastening absorber racks settled down in parallel . The deviation no more 2 is supposed.
Keeping a rod of the shock-absorber from проворачивания, screw a new nut with a fillet of fastening of a rod of the shock-absorber and tighten its moment 50 Нм (fig. 12–6 see).
Being careful, remove the adaptation for spring compression.

Fig. 12–10. A correct arrangement of the top coil of a spring on absorber to a rack

Check up, that the top coil of a spring has correctly settled down on the top plate of a spring (fig. 12–10).
Establish амортизаторную a rack on the car.

18.2. An amortizatornaja rack

18.4. A rotary fist