14.3. Removal of air from a hydraulic drive of couplingFor air removal it is necessary to use the special equipment working from external pressure. After connection of the tight chamber with a brake liquid to a tank of the main cylinder a liquid merge through the prorolling union on the working cylinder until air vials in a following liquid will cease to appear. It is recommended to use the compressed air submitted under the pressure of no more than 2,5 bar.
At use of this method with the big tank with a liquid additional protection of hydraulic system of coupling against possible hit of air is provided during prorolling.
The brake liquid used in a hydraulic drive of coupling, is poisonous, therefore at its hit on a skin it is necessary to wash out immediately this place a water considerable quantity. If the liquid has got to eyes or in an organism, it is necessary to address immediately to the doctor. Some liquids have property easily to ignite and can light up even from contact to hot knots of the car. Besides, the liquid used in a hydraulic drive, dissolves a paint and plastic, therefore at liquid hit on a paint and varnish covering of the car wash out its considerable quantity of water. As this liquid гигроскопична (absorbs a moisture from air), is not recommended to use a liquid, stored long time in open ware.
Any hydraulic system works normally if air is removed from it.
During air removal add only the pure liquid recommended by the manufacturer. Never use repeatedly a liquid which has flowed out from a hydraulic drive of coupling.
If in hydraulic system liquids of various marks have casually mixed up, remove from it a liquid, wash out a pure liquid of the demanded mark and establish new sealing rings.
At constant leaks of a liquid from a hydraulic drive or hit in hydraulic system of air define the reason and a place of leak and eliminate damage.
Fig. 8–4. Installation of a transparent tube () on the union of prorolling of the working cylinder of a drive of coupling
Put on one end of a transparent hose the union of the prorolling, the second end of a hose lower in the glass vessel partially filled with a brake liquid (fig. 8–4).
According to the instruction connect the adaptation for air removal under pressure to a tank of the main cylinder.
Unscrew the prorolling union on a half-turn and allow a liquid to flow down in a glass vessel until air vials in a vessel will cease to appear.
After removal of air from hydraulic system of coupling screw the prorolling union, remove from it a hose, and then the adaptation from a tank.
Clear the union of prorolling of a brake liquid and establish on it a protective cap.
Check up level of a brake liquid in a tank and if necessary add a brake liquid.