14.1. The general dataCoupling is located between the engine and a transmission and intended for short-term separation and smooth connection of a cranked shaft of the engine and a primary shaft of a transmission during the moment трогания the car from a place and during a gear change without noise and risk of damage of details.
On all models dry one-disk coupling which consists of conducted and press disks of coupling, central диафрагменной springs, a casing and the bearing of deenergizing of coupling is established.
The conducted disk of coupling freely moves on шлицах a primary shaft of a transmission and is clamped between a flywheel and a press disk effort which is created central диафрагменная by a spring. From two parties of a conducted disk приклепаны frictional overlays. The conducted disk of coupling incorporates to a nave through details гасителя крутильных fluctuations. Necessity гасителя крутильных fluctuations is caused by the following.
At sharp change of speed of movement of the car, arrival on roughness of road, sharp inclusion of coupling, and also owing to non-uniform work of the engine in car transmission there are the dynamic loadings causing a twisting (раскручивание) of shaft of transmission. Non-uniformity of a twisting moment of the engine can cause considerable overloads in transmission owing to occurrence крутильных fluctuations and a resonance at coincidence of frequencies of transferred loadings to frequencies of own fluctuations of transmission. Elastic fluctuations of transmission result not only in noise occurrence in mechanisms and units, but also to dangerous vibrations, and sometimes and to breakages of details when the amplitude of fluctuations reaches the big size. Energy крутильных fluctuations absorbs гаситель.
Drive of deenergizing of coupling the hydraulic. The bearing of deenergizing of coupling is established from the forward party of a transmission on муфте coupling deenergizings. The bearing will mix up a plug of deenergizing of coupling. By pressing a coupling pedal the piston in the main cylinder moves and compresses a liquid which on a hose arrives in the working cylinder of coupling. Under pressure the piston of the working cylinder of coupling, moving, puts in action a plug of deenergizing of coupling. The plug of deenergizing of coupling moves the bearing which influences a spring of a press disk and takes away press a disk from a conducted disk of coupling. Coupling is regulated automatically.